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Changes in the US economy during the administration of Donald Trump

Wed. 15, 2022, 7:11 a.m. ET
What did Donald Trump manage to do during his presidential term

US President Donald Trump failed to challenge the results of the 2020 elections. The majority of electoral votes were given to Democrat Joe Biden, so Trump's term of office ended on January 20, 2021 ā€“ the day of the inauguration of the new president. According to many analysts, Trump's rule will go down in history as one of the most controversial over the past few decades. Being a successful businessman, he tried to run a huge country as a business empire. This led to the emergence of quick, thoughtless administrative decisions and frequent reshuffling of personnel within the political apparatus.

Main features

It is impossible not to note success in the internal policy of the state. During the reign of Donald Trump, there was a significant reduction in unemployment. Thanks to the favorable conditions initiated by the government, many American companies began to return their business to the domestic market from abroad. The 45 president dreamed of restoring the greatness of the United States by implementing his program.

However, it was not possible to fully realize the intended goals. For example, Donald Trump could not stop the uncontrolled influx of illegal immigrants into the country. He wanted to build a huge wall on the border with Mexico, but the necessary amount of material resources could not be found for the implementation of this project. The former US president could not cancel the healthcare reform that was introduced by his predecessor Barack Obama.

According to experts, Trump was too keen on Twitter ā€“ such actions are not typical for the head of state. Using messages on this social network, he made important statements that concerned both domestic and foreign policy. There were precedents when presidents dismissed members of the Cabinet of the minister by means of Twitter.

The coronavirus pandemic has had a negative impact on Trump's domestic policy. The growth of the US economy began to decline sharply. High economic indicators were considered one of the strengths of his political course. Indeed, the figures spoke for themselves: in 2017, GDP grew by 3% compared to the same period in 2016. A year before the outbreak of the pandemic, the economy grew by 2.9%.

As for the economic indicators during the pandemic, they have become truly shocking. In the second quarter of 2020, the level of GDP decreased by 32.9%. It became a kind of anti-record. According to experts, such a sharp drop was not recorded even during the Great Depression in the 30s of the 20th century.

What did Donald Trump manage to do during his presidential term


US presidential candidates